Big or small, our mobile robots handle it all

Aethon pharmacy mobile robots, laboratory mobile robot, healthcare mobile robot, hospital robot, medical robot


More patient care, less delivery there

Zena Rx robots securely deliver pharmacy, laboratory, and other clinical materials. Day or night, Zena Rx is there to help your teams provide great patient care.

Aethon Autonomous Mobile Robot | Healthcare Robots | T3 Hospital Robots


Multiplying the muscle of your team

The T3 and T3 XL autonomously handle your cart transportation in both Healthcare and Hospitality so your people can make a difference elsewhere, leading to a better working environment, improved staff utilization and higher service levels.

Aethon Autonomous Mobile Robot | Healthcare Robot | T3 Hospital Robot
Aethon Zena Mobile Robot for the Hospitality Industry


Hospitality robots that can deliver the goods

Zena provides improved guest services. They securely deliver food, amenities, supplies and deliveries from outside securely to guest rooms or staff with the largest payload of any hospitality robot in the market.